10 Best Scholarship Programs to Study in Canada in 2024
Studying in Canada has been the top choice for millions of people and this is why we have provided you with the best scholarship in Canada full programs included.
Introducing yourself to Canadian culture can change your life forever, not only because of your level of professional studies but also because of the charisma of people open to immigrants, to the difference of creeds and to human talent.
Many of the people who decide to Study In Canada have the automatic luck of being linked to companies and institutions, thus enjoying the opportunity to establish their life in this country.

A country that offers total guarantees that are beyond the illusion that the American dream often promises in the United States.
Canada is a country where education is a highly respected issue, so much so that the range of private schools is less than that of public schools.
In public schools, training is comprehensive and designed so that each student can have a clear idea of ​​what they hope to achieve in their life from a young age.
It is estimated that 95% of Canadian parents prefer to let their children be linked to public institutions in order to obtain the training designed by the government itself.
The academic offer to Study In Canada
In Canada, training programs are very extensive. The various universities have much to offer, being the one related to the agronomical sector the one that receives the most attention at the moment.
Even so, there are other careers that have a great role, such as careers related to finance and information technology.
The calculation is that there are around 10,000 training programs nationwide.
Many of these training programs can be studied part-time.
The same Canadian government usually offer free courses or, is dedicated to funding scholarships, both native Canadians and immigrants.
The most interesting thing about being able to Study In Canada is that whatever professional title you manage to obtain, these are automatically validated within the educational system of the United States and the British Commonwealth of Nations.
This means that the professional diploma will be useful for countries such as England, Australia, India, Nigeria among others.
10 best scholarship programs to study in Canada
The Canada scholarship programs represent an excellent opportunity to become professional.
There are many students in the world who dream of winning a scholarship in that country, and they have every reason to long for one of these.
In Canada, as in other advanced countries like Germany and England, education is a priority.
So much so that the Canadian government offers the best public education, an education that is usually free.
The percentage of families that pay for private education for their children is considerably low.
It is estimated that only 5% of parents send their children to study in private schools.
The country is very flexible in this sense, and university professionals usually live on Canada scholarships, thus seeking to obtain the best qualifications and thus achieve the best jobs.
You could experience that same fate yourself! Can you imagine what it would be like to make this dream come true?
Below, you can evaluate some of the most recognized Canada scholarships that exist for international students.
What does this mean? It is a credential, endorsed by Unesco, which you can acquire on the official ISIC website of your country.
However, we will also refer to postgraduate scholarships, which are quite important and often on the horizon for international students approaching the end of undergraduate.
- Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships
- Humber College International Entrance Scholarships
- York University International Student Scholarship Program
- University of British Columbia Scholarships for International Students
- Carleton University Entrance Scholarships for International Students
- Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships
- University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships
- Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships
- University of Waterloo International Master’s and Doctoral Student Awards
- University of Calgary Graduate Awards
1. Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships
This Canada scholarship program is supported by the University of Toronto.
It represents one of the most fantastic scholarships out there, because the coverage is for 4 continuous years.
These are scholarships aimed at students who are in the last year of high school.
This is an undergraduate oriented program.
Read Also: Scholarships to study in Cambridge – United Kingdom
The beneficiary can enjoy the privileges of maintenance, school supplies, registration for the semesters, in addition to medical services insurance.
Keep in mind that a single semester at the University of Toronto can cost about $7,000.
So these are very generous scholarships, bearing in mind that there are four years of support.
In order to participate, the student’s school has to be linked to the scholarship program and in this way the student will be able to fill out their request.
The student who wishes to participate in these scholarships will have to be someone quite intelligent, with an entrepreneurial spirit.
2. Humber College International Entrance Scholarships
As with the previous scholarships, these are aimed at international students.
Their focus is more about paying tuition and they are renewable.
To be elected you will have to be an excellent student, since these scholarships, like the previous ones, are competitive, requiring that you attach documentation about your achievements as a student.
The highest amount of funding offered by this scholarship system is $7,000.
That is to say, the equivalent of what the value of a semester can suppose.
These types of scholarships are extendable, but for this you must maintain a fairly high average.
The percentage is estimated to be at least 80%.
The other important fact about Humber College International is that scholarships are also offered to study English.
The institution allows you to learn to master English, but the amount of the grant depends on your academic performance.
These are scholarships geared towards undergraduate degrees.
The dates of renewal of studies occur in the month of May, September and January.
The documentation to attach is mainly your academic notes and letters of recommendation, in addition to your ID, among others.
3. York University International Student Scholarship Program
This time around, this is one of the Canada scholarships that tend to be a bit more flexible.
That is, they are not competitive, which indicates that as long as you are a student with good high school grades, you can be chosen.
The scholarship is aimed at paying tuition at the University of York.
With this academic benefit program, you can count on the value of entering college.
This value is extendable, as long as you continue to show that you are a good student.
Precisely, the value given to the student to cover their tuition is closely related to the value of their grades.
The application process for this scholarship is quite simple and straightforward.
You must register through the York University website.
Most of all, they will require you to attach your qualifications, and it is also necessary to add the documentation of your ID and international student card, as with previous institutions.
The coverage is oriented to cover your 4 years of undergraduate study, which would mean a total value of about $80,000 dollars.
4. University of British Columbia Scholarships for International Students
As you may have noticed, scholarships for international students are characterized by demanding a high score in the qualifications of the person.
Scholarships usually require documentation such as ID card, in addition to your student qualifications.
Practically, that is the rule that applies to all students who aspire to international scholarships in Canada.
So the requirements to apply for these scholarships are the same.
These are scholarships geared for undergraduate students as well as for PhD studies.
The value of the scholarship usually covers an average amount of about $10,000 per year. The scholarships are extendable and their coverage is provided for each year of study.
In fact, there are two types of scholarships, the entrance scholarship and the so-called international outstanding student.
The latter indicates a greater coverage of the undergraduate student who begins to stand out in his university career.
5. Carleton University Entrance Scholarships for International Students
In addition to the requirements of being a good student and attaching the aforementioned documentation, the scholarships in this list are characterized by being oriented to students who are not from the same Canadian country.
And of course, they are scholarships in which the international student is characterized by a basic command of English, which is to be expected for a dedicated high school student.
In this case, it is an undergraduate scholarship to study at Carleton University.
This university offers you tuition payment for a period of 4 years.
For each year, it assigns you a percentage to be admitted and continue with your studies.
That way you can start studying.
The amounts of coverage vary according to the level of study and grades submitted by the student.
A student can receive coverage of $1,000 for all four years.
The interesting thing about these scholarships is that apart from being extendable, they receive an unlimited number of students.
This indicates that they are not competitive and that as long as you prove to be a person committed to studying, you will be able to receive your well-deserved scholarship.
6. Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships
From this point on, the article will focus on Canada Graduate Scholarships.
This scholarship, for example, is offered by Vandier University in Canada.
The value that the scholarship covers is usually around $ 50.00 for three years.
What happens with the scholarships listed from now on is that they are scholarships that are requested, in most cases, before the time of completion of the undergraduate degree.
The student must be a person distinguished by their academic grades.
So that he has completed his undergraduate training, he goes directly to receive the aid of the scholarship.
Given the rules of the game, the percentage of being elected is high if you come from being financed by Canada scholarships for international students.
With these scholarships promoted by Vanier University, the same thing happens as with most international scholarships for senior high school students.
They are competitive scholarships, so you will have to show that you are a good student.
In fact, it is highly valued that students have a lot of initiative and participate in projects outside their professional training, such as working on environmental or civic culture projects.
7. University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships
This type of scholarship is aimed at both masters and doctorates. The amount of the scholarship varies depending on whether it is a Phd or a Master degree.
In the case of PhDs, the amount reaches a value of $18,000 dollars, while for masters it is $14,000 dollars.
The period of coverage of this value corresponds to a period of 12 months.
Even so, you can get the University of Manitoba to extend the grant for these Canada scholarships for a total period of 48 months.
The interesting thing about these scholarships is that the level of demand is not so high.
Therefore, you can have an average of 3.75 in your undergraduate grades to be able to participate.
The other fact to keep in mind is that they can be used for later masteries.
That is, you can apply while you are studying your first master’s or doctorate.
8. Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships
These Canada scholarships are sponsored by the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation.
The coverage offered by this scholarship reaches $40,000, over a period of three years.
This value not only covers the tuition, it will also give you money for your daily living expenses.
A $20,000 travel and research grant is added to the $40,000 value.
The funny thing to be eligible for these scholarships is that you will have to attend a community retreat.
In addition, you will take part in two Committed Leadership institutes for a period of one year, if you are chosen.
Practically this is one of the scholarships aimed at making the student more efficient with his knowledge.
The purpose is then to allow the fellow to commit to his professional performance, contributing to society.
9. University of Waterloo International Master’s and Doctoral Student Awards
These Canada scholarships are divided into 3 categories and are valid for students pursuing master’s or doctorates at the University of Waterloo, as well as for students who have an active Canadian study permit.
The three categories that represent the scholarship are IMSA, IDSA, and IDSA4.
The first option takes care of paying half of the differential rate of what the training program costs.
Meanwhile, IDSA and IDSA4, for a total differential rate according to the program.
The study program is of any type offered at the university.
In other words, as well as undergraduate and engineering degrees, you can also access music, economics, and law programs, among others.
This academic benefits program is better known as an awards of excellence.
So as fundamental requirements it is very important that you are an excellent student.
10. University of Calgary Graduate Awards
Finally, to close this cycle of scholarships for students, the University of Calgary offers coverage for both senior high school students, as well as postgraduate and doctoral degrees.
This university, with its Canada scholarship program, is very emphatic that they are competitive scholarships.
So here he takes seriously having good grades.
What happens with this university is that its variety of awards and scholarships is considerably wide.
Some awards are given simply for being a good student.
For example, you can receive about $700 for your academic performance.
But already in terms of coverage for tuition payments, you can find payments of $7,500 per semester.
Payments that are extendable throughout the university training.
In the case of doctoral and master’s programs, the request must be made before the end of the undergraduate training program.
The Best Subjects to Study In Canada
Now, within the university careers that have the greatest impact apart from agronomy and veterinary medicine, they are the following:
It is a very competitive and highly paid, given the accountant’s responsibility to allow companies to operate transparently.
Both with regard to tax laws and in each of your business transactions.
In addition to this, the professional who decides to Study In Canada in this field knows that they must have the correct training in relation to the use of accounting software and CRM.
System engineers
In an era where information technology predominates throughout the world, the systems engineer has an enormous responsibility to cover companies.
As well as to enhance the positioning of brands through digital marketing and web page development.
The salaries that an engineer in this sector receives in Canada are considerably high, so Studying In Canada this type of career sooner rather than later will be reflected in a very stable economy for your pocket.
Graphic design
As with systems engineering, graphic design has a great impact on the country’s labor market.
This is precisely due to all the optimization that companies are receiving in the digital sector and its relationship with online advertising.
It is a highly valued profession for all that the image implies as a massive and impressive means of communication.
In addition, for graphic designers who work with system developers, their participation is very relevant, thus allowing to shape the software and applications for smartphones.
As previously stated, education is very important in Canada, which is why the government itself is in charge of schools and good public institutions.
The work of the teacher, regardless of the field he performs, has a high value, not only morally, but also economically.
If you have the opportunity to work on the college stage, your salary will be really high.
This happens most when it comes to teaching subjects such as physics, chemistry and mathematics. If you consider yourself fit to take on this role, rest assured that you will not regret it.
Another of the training programs desired to Study In Canada has to do with the field of architecture.
Something fundamental at this time to give shape to new buildings that reflect all the prosperity that the national economy is achieving.
There are numerous construction projects that require the talent of architects, not only for their ideas to shine with elegant designs but to study deeply how the concept of housing is really delivering a healthy lifestyle to Canadians.
And of course, it could not be necessary in this count about the most prominent professions to study in Canada than that person who is in charge of public health.
The doctor in Canada has a great mission, so his professional activity is one of the best reward, both for moral and economic value.
Other Courses to study in Canada
Other careers that have high value within Canadian culture and the job market are the following:
- Gastronomy
- Chemical engineering
- Social work
- Social communication and Journalism
- Arts, history and humanities
- Law and / or advocacy
- Political Sciences
Regardless of your choice of university, in most cases you will have the opportunity to Study In Canada until you become fully professional.
At the national level, there are many institutions that offer scholarships for postgraduate and doctoral degrees.
Many students finish their undergraduate degrees and automatically go on to master’s degrees.
In a culture where the most important thing is education and the way in which it helps shape society, your mission when studying in Canada will be to adequately absorb all the necessary knowledge.
Scholarship programs in Canada
Finally, to perfectly close the content of this article, nothing better than to refer to some of the institutions that are most committed to allowing foreign students to land in the national territory of Canada.
And so they can train and feel like being the main actors in the country’s economy.
There are many agencies that work in this mission, being supported precisely by the Canadian government itself, which hopes to thus stimulate its economy and remain active in all sectors.
Here is a list of the institutions that can help you to start Studying In Canada:
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Website is: www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/
- Canadian International Development Agency. His website is: www.canadainternational.gc.ca/
- Medical Research Council of Canada. His website is: mcc.ca/
- Canadian Bureau for International Education. His website is: cbie.ca/
- The Canadian Information Center for International Credentials (CICIC). His website is: www.cicic.ca/
- National Research Center of Canada. His website is: www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/
We wish you much success in your search and we are sure that if you make the decision to study in Canada, your outlook will become increasingly clear.