10 Best Nursing Universities In The World (New Ranking)
Need the list of the best nursing universities in the world? The QS World University Ranking that is carried out every year offers the names of the best universities to study nursing in the world.
Within the field of health, it is essential to have professional training. Therefore, a degree is required to be able to pursue the degree due to the importance of the activity.
It cannot be overlooked that in the end, you will have the health of the patients in your hands. But although the doctor is the leader within the office, more workers are also required.

The sum of all efforts always offers better results. But have you ever wondered which are the best universities in the world to study nursing?
Along with a good doctor, there is always an excellent nurse
Although sometimes it is downplayed, in reality all the elements involved in patient care are equally relevant. Regarding nursing elements, they must have a high level of empathy because one of their functions is to keep in constant contact with patients. You must relax and accompany people while they are hospitalized, in addition to other functions.
On the other hand, to make a comparison between higher education establishments around the world, there is the Top Universities portal. Every year it publishes the results of the QS World University Ranking. It is a work in which more than a thousand universities from all over the world are contemplated.
It is an arduous investigation and within the parameters to qualify the schools are aspects such as the number of graduates per year, job opportunities for students, teacher training and contributions in terms of research carried out.
The Best Nursing Universities In The World
One of the characteristics of the ranking is that the results can be reviewed by professions. In such a way that it is possible to know only those that teach the Nursing career. When making the filter, it is obtained that the best in the world today are the following:
- University of Pennsylvania (United States).
- King’s College London (United Kingdom).
- Johns Hopkins University (United States).
- University of Washington (United States).
- University of Manchester (UK).
- University of California in San Francisco (United States).
- Yale University (United States).
- University of North Carolina (United States).
- University of Southampton (UK).
- Duke University (United States).
When analyzing the list, the existing dominance between the United Kingdom and the United States is clear. Between both nations, they group all the universities that occupy the first ten places.
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While within the top 100 the only school in Latin America that appears is the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). With this you can appreciate the enormous difference that exists between the so-called first world and the area in which Mexico is located.