The Functions Of UNICEF In Nigeria
UNICEF – United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, UNICEF functions to promote the rights of children in Nigeria. It was established as an agency with the sole objective of working for the children in the country.
They are especially working with partners who are visioned to prevent the spread of diseases in Nigeria, especially among children. UNICEF is empowered to speak for the children by upholding the appropriate conventions necessary for the recognition of the Rights of a Child.

Of the various functions of UNICEF in Nigeria, the agency is committed to bringing to light, the rights of all children, which will help them to realize their purpose of existence. It would also help them build a solidified foundation and have better opportunities to fulfill their potential.
The agency is committed to ensuring that any child who is groomed as a happy and healthy child, began these processes even before birth.
This would gear from attending to the pre-and post-natal needs of his/her mother; allowing her access to proper neonatal care and safe delivery in a clean, safe environment.
Then to endeavoring that the child reaches adulthood as a responsible, informed, and healthy parent to the next generation succeeding his’.
This entire journey foots on ensuring that a child has access to shelter, clean water, good nutrition, sanitation, education, and healthcare among other necessities.
UNICEF is an acronym for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. It is a subsidiary organization of the United Nations. It came to fruition shortly after 1946 World War II. It was founded by the United Nations, to attend to the emergency needs of every child; most especially children affected in post-war nations.
The primary aim of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund is the provision and delivery of proper and adequate health care, food, shelter, and clothing to children and women all across the globe.
UNICEF not only upholds the rights of a child in this regard but a bit also works together with the United Nations to ensure that those rights are adequately implemented and not sectioned to the more privileged persons.
The 11 Functions Of UNICEF In Nigeria
Child Survival and Development
The protection of children with regard to their survival is one of the functions of UNICEF. Just as the objectives of this organization are focused on the protection of children around the world; they also work with the purpose of ensuring that every child is protected. This protection would be concerned with the survival, well-being, and health of the children.
Child Health and Developmental well-being
In order to reach this aim, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund collaborates with the government, private sectors, civil and public groups, and individuals in partnership, to achieve this responsibility.
“Every child has the right to survive and thrive,” as stated by UNICEF. In the same stream of thought, the agency provides primary health care services freely to children. Even as they are saddled with a host of other functions, they ensure that the provisions of primary healthcare services for children and women are readily available across the world.
Primary health care services here entail the provision of resources necessary for the all-around development of the child. Including proper hygiene, access to good and clean water, nutrition, and sanitation in third-world countries.
Provision of Good Nutrition
No person can survive without eating food, and not just eating food, but good and nutritious food. A child that lacks the intake of balanced meals in adequate proportions or is malnourished is prone to several juvenile diseases and infections like kwashiorkor, rickets, pellagra, and so on. Good nutrition is the bedrock of any child’s survival, health, and development
Provision of water, sanitation, and hygiene
Every child has a right to water, sanitation, and a safe and clean community. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund also aids in supplying water pipes and pumps for ensuring that every community has access to clean water.
They also provide technical supplies to communities, countries, and Health clinics. They supply drugs, vaccines, medicines, health care facilities, and medical equipment to the health clinics.
Aids to education
They provide infrastructures that would aid the proper dispense of education. Education is taken as one of the needs of a child by the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. They guarantee that the facilities and infrastructure that would make learning easy and interesting are available in the schools.
Protection of Children
Protection Of children from abuse, violence, and exploitation is one of the main functions of UNICEF in Nigeria. They help to ensure that children are safe from any form of abuse or violence.
Assurance of social policy
To fulfill the rights of children in any society requires the appropriation of laws, budgets, and social policies that promote equity. They encourage Gender equality, embark on enlightenment programs, and create awareness of the importance of girl child education.
UNICEF assists in Emergencies
Any child or family who is caught up in conflicts or emergencies requires urgent life-saving assistance. UNICEF provides help for children/mothers during emergencies.
Emergencies could be natural disasters, calamities, epidemics, or civil strife.
Communication for development
Every child is allowed to reach his or her full potential and this is possible if he or she can communicate their ideas to UNICEF. The organization in turn supports the Government in planning and providing community-based services.
Aids like water and sanitation can only be provided by the agency only after it has communicated its plans to the government. In this way, they now extend their services to women and children.
UNICEF Provides Funds for Personnel Training
For efficient execution of the functions of UNICEF, they train personnel who would assist in discharging their duties.
They embark on training programs, seminars, and workshops before they employ their workers. Some of their workers in fields like sanitation, health, nutrition, and education are trained to successfully discharge their roles in such a manner that reaches the objectives of the agency.
Read Also: The 8 Functions of UNESCO in Nigeria
Prevention of Diseases
To able to protect lives, UNICEF enables children to be safe and protected from diseases like polio, tuberculosis, HIV and AIDS, hepatitis, and malaria, among other diseases that affect the juvenile.